The International Greek Ancestry Conference, held from January 29th through the 31st, will be a landmark event for our field of Greek family history and genealogy!
2020 has been a challenging year for us all. However, perhaps one of the few things 2020 was a good year for was the field of Greek family history and genealogy. One year ago, Greek Ancestry was founded. Greek records started becoming massively available, and a series of educational programs ran throughout the year. What became clear through all the interaction we’ve had with people in the past twelve months, is the great interest and need of Greeks around the world, now more than ever, to reconnect with their family heritage and roots, to learn more about the history of our people and advance their family history research tools and techniques! This conference has been organized to meet these very needs.
Co-sponsored by Greek Ancestry and the Hellenic Genealogy Geek, this conference will host 16 speakers and cover a wide variety of topics, including family history research and innovative initiatives, the 1821 Revolution, everyday life in 19th-century Greece, migration, Greece’s borderlands and the Greeks of Asia Minor, new research methodologies, such as DNA analysis and statistics, and some awesome announcements for the future!
The conference is virtual, free and will be live-streamed on Greek Ancestry’s YouTube channel. No registration required! All sessions will be recorded and made available to watch later. For more information, as well as for the conference’s complete agenda, visit the conference’s website, by clicking here!
During conference days, please stay tuned on Greek Ancestry’s social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), as awesome giveaways and other surprises will be announced!