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Uncover your family’s past with our powerful search engine, Zeus PowerSearch. Browse thousands of Greek historical records, including voter lists, male registers, census data, and more. Whether you’re just starting or advancing your research, Greek Ancestry makes it easy to trace your roots with precision and accuracy. Start your search today!
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- (!) What kind of information is included in each type of record? You will find details about all collections here.
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(!) How does Zeus PowerSearch work?
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Transliterating from Greek to Latin characters can be challenging. Is it Condos or Kontos? Stephanopoylos or Stefanopoulos? What about Papajohn? Is it Παπαϊώαννης? Or Παππαϊωάννης? Maybe, Παπαγιάννης? Παπαϊωάννου? You name it… Greek Ancestry’s team has combined linguistic, historical and technological knowledge to develop the most advanced search engine for Greek records: Zeus PowerSearch, capable of finding even the most challenging spelling matches!
If you wish to know how your Greek name is properly spelled in Greek and English, ask us for free by filling out the form on the right!
Tips for Advanced Search
Zeus PowerSearch allows you to run advanced searches, combining a variety of search fields! You may search by given name and last name, add a specific location or go broader, and search by prefecture/province or country! At the same time, you may prefer to filter results by collection! And if your search comes with no results, you may enable the broad search options!
Tips for Location Search
Every record in Greek Ancestry’s database is matched to a specific location, usually the name of a village, town or city. As you start typing in the location search field, a dropdown list will provide you with suggestions!
Moreover, as many locations in Greece have been renamed in the past, you may search by both old and new name! And even if you mispell the location’s name, Zeus PowerSearch will find location matches for you!
Tips for Wildcard Search
Zeus PowerSearch allows you to search using wildcards. Here is a list of them:
Matches any number of characters. You can use the asterisk (*) anywhere in a character string.
Pat* finds Patelis, Patrogiannis, Patsis etc., but not Kapatos or Papatrechas.
Matches a single alphabet in a specific position.
S?nis finds Sanis, Sinis, Sonis, Senis etc.
Matches a range of characters. Remember to specify the characters in ascending order (A to Z, not Z to A).
K[a-e]nellis finds Kanellis, Kbnellis, Kcnellis and Kenellis.