Greek Ancestry Extras

Our family gets bigger and our services get better. Extra services are now available on Greek Ancestry: Research: Greek Ancestry’s team is here to help you with your genealogical research. Contact us to discuss your case and get a quote and timeframe. No advance...
Sales on Greek Ancestry

Sales on Greek Ancestry

Greek Ancestry celebrates Greek Independence and offers all its records on sale! Order any record until March 31st for only $6 (instead of $8.99) and take advantage of the automatic discounts applied when you order more than one record! Greek Ancestry currently hosts...

More of Lakonia and Messinia!

2,000 new records for Lakonia and 5,000 new records for Messinia have just been added! The new Lakonia records include: Military Lists from all over the region, as well as an 1871 Voter List for Kastoreio (Kastania), and rare documents from Vassaras, Mystras, Parori...
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