Greek Ancestry is excited to announce that “Amykles Villages – Χωριά των Αμυκλών History Project” has been awarded the third Village History Project Initiative (VHPI) grant!
Announced in the last session of the International Greek Ancestry Conference, the VHPI aims at helping people connect and exchange information by fostering collaboration. A village history project focuses beyond a specific surname to include all identifiable people residing in a specific village for an extended period of time. It includes all projects — whether they are in the planning stage, have commenced, or are completed. In the past few months, 19 projects have been admitted into the VHPI! All projects admitted are listed on VHPI’s register, so that people are informed and encouraged to launch projects of their own! Along with publicity, VHPI projects are eligible for major discounts on all Greek Ancestry records and, most importantly, are considered for a VHPI grant. These grants are funded by revenue from the Greek Genealogy Guide and include donations of books, DNA tests, subscriptions to genealogy platforms, as well as other types of support. Their beneficiaries are chosen on a quarterly basis.

“Amykles Villages – Χωριά των Αμυκλών History Project” is a project launched by Paula Antonakos-Boswell and Diane Gotses-Jackson in February 2021. It aims at preserving and highlighting the history of the village of Amykles, Lakonia, and the archives, photos and stories of its families. The project is active on Facebook, having already reached over 300 members by October 2021. At the same time, the project’s team has set up a website, which is constantly updated and hosts oral histories, family trees and images, as well as information on walking tours around the village and its environs. In this way, “Amykles Villages – Χωριά των Αμυκλών History Project” has grown into the hub of local history and genealogy, connecting residents and descendants, and encouraging the preservation of the heritage of that land.
As requested, DNA kits will be donated by Greek Ancestry to the project’s sponsors! We wish them every success in their project!
At the same time, we congratulate all those who submitted a proposal to the VHPI, and assert our wish to support them! The next grant beneficiary will be announced in January 2022. If you work on a village history project or plan to launch one, do not hesitate submitting it to the VHPI, by filling out this form!
The VHPI relies on revenue from the Greek Genealogy Guide, an educational platform about Greek family history and genealogy, including history, useful vocabulary, informaton about Greek names, detailed descriptions of different types of records, information about archival repositories, lists of resources and more! You may access the Guide, by clicking here. To support the VHPI, you only need to purchase the one-time fee subscription to the Guide! Sign up by clicking here!