More of Lakonia and Messinia!

2,000 new records for Lakonia and 5,000 new records for Messinia have just been added! The new Lakonia records include: Military Lists from all over the region, as well as an 1871 Voter List for Kastoreio (Kastania), and rare documents from Vassaras, Mystras, Parori...
Can’t find your name?

Can’t find your name?

Here are some tips, in case you can’t find the name(s) you are looking for! #1 Spelling – Transliterating from Greek to Latin characters is problematic. Is it Condos or Kontos? Stephanopoylos or Stefanopoulos? What about Papajohn? Is it Παπαϊώαννης? Or...
Spell names correctly

Spell names correctly

It’s Antonis – not Antones; Kontos – not Kondos or Condos; Arachova – not Arahova… Which is the right way to spell a Greek name? This is important, because incorrect spellings might make your research more challenging! Greek Ancestry has...
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