Educational Articles
The great importance of “little” source citations
By Gregory Kontos A source citation is a little note of a relatively standard format which indicates where a piece of information was found: the archive, the collection, the folder, the subfolder. Such notes are internationally considered a primary standard in...
Introducing “Yiayia & Me”
By Alexandra Kiritsy Geia sas and welcome, everyone! Thank you for checking out our first "Yiayia & Me" article! Read on to learn more about this new platform! What is the goal of Yiayia & Me? Greg and I have been investigating our personal family...
Greek Ancestry Education, Webinar #7 (June 6th, 2020): A case study
Greek Ancestry Education, Webinar #6 (May 30th, 2020): Notarial and school records
Greek Ancestry Education, Webinar #5 (May 23rd, 2020): Civil and church records
In our 5th Greek Ancestry webinar, we discussed Greek civil and church records!
Greek Ancestry Education, Webinar #4 (May 16th, 2020): Asia Minor
The topic of our 4th Greek Ancestry webinar was Asia Minor!
Greek Ancestry Education, Webinar #3 (May 9th, 2020): Municipal Registers and Census records
Our third Greek genealogy webinar, on May 9th, 2020, through Greek Ancestry’s Facebook page. Presenter: Gregory Kontos. In this webinar we discussed Greek municipal registers and census records!
Greek Ancestry Education, Webinar #2 (May 2nd, 2020): Male Registers
Our second Greek genealogy webinar, on May 2nd, 2020, through Greek Ancestry’s Facebook page. Presenter: Gregory Kontos. In this webinar we discussed Greek male registers!
Greek Ancestry Education, Webinar #1 (April 25th, 2020): Voter Lists
The first ever Greek genealogy webinar, on April 25th, 2020, through Greek Ancestry’s Facebook page. Presenter: Gregory Kontos. In this webinar we discussed Greek voter lists!
Greek Ancestry Education, Case Study Webinar #3 (Oct. 31st, 2020): Stories from Notarial Records
Greek Ancestry Education, Case Study Webinar #2 (Oct. 24th, 2020): Jewish Communities of Greece
Greek Ancestry Education, Case Study Webinar #1 (Oct. 17th, 2020): Asia Minor
International Greek Ancestry Conference (Jan. 29-31, 2021)
Save the date – spread the word – join us!
Thessaloniki – La Madre de Israel
By Alexandra Kiritsy & Gregory Kontos When Jewish colonists were brought to the newly founded city of Macedonia around 315 B.C., no one could have imagined that Thessaloniki’s history would be closely associated with Jewish history throughout the centuries. About...
“My Big Fat Greek Ancestry Summer” Webinar
Despite the pandemic, the past summer was very productive for Greek Ancestry: new collections, new research tools, new analyses and a brand new platform! We would like to share all our news with you this Saturday, Sept. 26th, at 3pm ET (2pm CT, 1pm MT, noon PT)! Join...