Educational Articles

The great importance of “little” source citations

By Gregory Kontos A source citation is a little note of a relatively standard format which indicates where a piece of information was found: the archive, the collection, the folder, the subfolder. Such notes are internationally considered a primary standard in...

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Introducing “Yiayia & Me”

Introducing “Yiayia & Me”

By Alexandra Kiritsy Geia sas and welcome, everyone! Thank you for checking out our first "Yiayia & Me" article! Read on to learn more about this new platform! What is the goal of Yiayia & Me?  Greg and I have been investigating our personal family...

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Transliterating from Greek to Latin characters is problematic. Is it Condos or Kontos? Stephanopoylos or Stefanopoulos? What about Papajohn? Is it Παπαϊώαννης? Or Παππαϊωάννης? Maybe, Παπαγιάννης? Παπαϊωάννου? You name it… Greek Ancestry has developed its own transliteration formula. Ask us for free by filling out the form!

Spell names correctly

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